General Rules
G1. Exhibitors may enter up to 3 rabbits and 3 poultry. Exhibitors are responsible for their own set-up and clean-up.
G2. Exhibitors must be present for barn setup, barn clean-up and daily cleanup, failure to assist with clean-up results in forfeit of fair premiums. Daily cleanup will be held at 4:00pm. Exhibitors must sign in.
G3. 4-H Livestock Show and Sale Requirements apply to those exhibiting rabbits and poultry.
G4. Classes will be determined by Extension and the barn staff.
G5. Divisions:
Coverbud: youth enrolled in the 4-H program ages 5 to 8 years old. Participation only! These youth are not eligible for Grand, Reserve, etc. These animals cannot be sold at the auction.
4-H: must be enrolled in the species 4-H project and submit an up-to-date project book and completed project book by the required deadlines. 4-H members have the option to participate in the showmanship classes and are encouraged to do so (new 2024).
Open: Youth who are not enrolled in the 4-H program and/or 4-H rabbit and/or poultry projects. Adults are also entered in this division. There is a $3.00 entry fee for all open show animals.
G6. All entries must be personally managed and cared for by the exhibitor making the entry. All animals must be fed and watered daily.
G7. It is soley the exhibitors/owner's responsibility to make any and all sales of animals.
G8. All exhibits must be removed on Sunday, August 4th, before 8:00 am.
P1. Extension reserves the right to reject any entry which is diseased or otherwise undesirable.
Examples include:
- All poultry must have full beaks.
- Poultry should have no sores on their feet.
- Poultry should have no feathers missing.
- Poultry should have all toenails.
- Poultry should have both eyes.
- There should be no scaling on the feet.
P2. All exhibits must meet health requirements for poultry as listed in the Animal Health Requirements.
P3. Exhibitors will clean their cages daily and will be responsible for the care of their own animals. Exhibitors must provide their own water and feed pans.
P4. All eggs must be removed from cages.
P5. All entries will be accepted on Sunday, July 28th between the hours of 1pm and 4pm.
P6. All poultry entries must be owned by the exhibitor for 90 days prior to Sunday, July 28th.
P7. No poultry will be allowed out of their cages after 3pm!
P8. There must be 3 entries per class for that class to be judged.
P9. Poultry must be at least 3 months of age in order to be tested (pullorum typhoid).
R1. Extension reserves the right to reject any entry which is diseased or otherwise undesirable.
Examples include:
- All toenails should be clipped.
- No sore ears.
- No runny eyes or noses.
- No skin irritation or disease.
- No feet problems
R2. Exhibitors will clean their cages daily and will be responsible for their own feeding and watering. Exhibitors must bring their own water bottles & feed pans. It is recommended to freeze some water bottles to place in pens during hot weather.
R3. Newborn rabbits will not be allowed. No Sales of kits (babies) less than eight (8) weeks old will be allowed. In accordance with the Code of Virginia rabbits that aren’t weaned and/or are under 8 weeks of age cannot be sold.
R4. All entries will be accepted on Sunday, July 28th between the hours of 1pm and 4pm.
R5. All rabbit entries must be owned by the exhibitor for 90 days prior to Sunday, July 28th.
R6. All newborn rabbits must be eight (8) weeks old and shown as a litter. All babies in a doe and litter classes must be at least eight (8) weeks old.
R7. All rabbits must be three (3) months old to be shown as an individual.
R8. No rabbits will be allowed out of their cages after 3pm!
R9. There must be 3 entries per class for that class to be judged.
Rabbit and Poultry Poster Contest
Poster Contest- This contest is open to all youth in Warren County. Youth do not have to be enrolled in the 4-H program to participate. Create a poster on a ½ sheet of poster board to be judged and displayed in the Rabbit & Poultry Barn. The subject matter should reflect anything educational related to Rabbits or Poultry. Be Creative! All entries must be submitted by 4 pm on Monday, July 29t. Categories will be determined based on the total number of entries. Ribbons will be awarded based on the categories and entry totals.
Rabbit and Poultry Award
This will be a new award given to one exhibitor who shows good sportsmanship, assists in keeping the barn area clean, keeps their cage area clean, and ensures their exhibits are fed and watered daily.