Home Goods General Rules

Written on 11/06/2018
Brad Veach

Sew it! Grow it! Show it!

Since the Fair’s beginning in 1957, locals have brought their pride and joy to show off all of their hard work. Farmers, housewives and children alike strive to have the best of all the rest! From sewing to vegetables to baked and canned goods to arts & crafts people wanted to win The Best of Show at the Warren County Fair.

Nowadays, not much has changed. Anyone, no matter what age, in Warren County as well as the surrounding counties can still show off their best work of the year. What’s even better now is that you can win money ($) for winning prizes of 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in all categories!

Warren County Fair – 2024
me Goods Division
eneral Rules and Regulations

The General Rules and Regulations apply to each Department.

Prizes and premiums for all classes in all departments in the Home Economics

Division will be:

        First Place.... .......................$ 2.50

        Second Place ......................$ 1.50

        Third Place..... .....................$ 1.00

Adults are defined as anyone 19 years of age or older as of July 27,  2024.  Youth is defined as anyone 18 years of age and under as of July 27, 2024.

Entries in all classes will be accepted from residents of Warren County and its surrounding area and from Warren County 4-H members and leaders.

Exhibitor must have made all exhibits during the previous twelve (12) months. Each exhibitor is limited to ONE entry per class, onless otherwise noted.

Entries will be accepted Saturday July 27, and Sunday, July 28, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Judging will be done on Monday, July 29th.

If, in the opinion of the Department Chairperson an exhibitor willfully violates any of the rules governing the Fair, all premiums may be forfeited and may be subject to such other penalties as deemed appropriate by the Department Chairperson and/or the Fair President and Vice-President.

The Fair Association reserves the right to reject or refuse any entry offered and to request the removal from the fairgrounds any  exhibit  which  they  for  any reason, shall deem unfit or objectionable.

The Fair Association reserves the right to interpret all rules and regulations and resolve any situation, which may arise and is not restricted by the lack of or omission of specific rules or regulations.

Exhibits in each department will be entered and released by the Department Chairman.  Eligibility of all entries is the discretion of the Department Chairman and the decisions made are final.

Use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, abusive language or other abusive miscoduct is prohibited.

Judging for all entries will begin on Monday, July 29, at 10:00 a.m.  (No entries will be received after the deadline.)   Official Personnel  only will be permitted inside the Wonder Building during judging.

Prizes are awarded at the discretion of the judges depending on quality of entry and not number of entries in class.   The decision of the judges is final.

No exhibitor, in the Wonder Building, will be allowed to remove any article until Sunday, August 4th unless previous arrangements have been made with the Fair Association.   No person or organization will be paid for any exhibit taken down before the stated hour.

Premiums and exhibits may be picked up Sunday, August 4th   from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

** Each Home Ec exhibitor who enters in the Home Ec classes may purchase one (1) pass for $12.00, which will be good for two (2) admissions to the fair.  Please note:  The exhibitor pass does NOT include rides.  It can be used individually or collectively.  Only one (1) pass may be purchased by each exhibitor. 

2023 Home Goods General Rules 2023 Home Goods General Rules