Dept H & P - Canned Foods

Written on 11/06/2018
Brad Veach

Home Canning! 
Yesterday and Today!

Nicolas Appert began experimenting with canning in the late 1700's as a means of perserving food.  Over the years, there have been many upgrades to refining the techniques of home canning.  Today, there is a renewed interest in home canning and what better way to show off your expertise by entering your labor of love into the county fair for all of our fairgoers to see.

 Anyone, no matter what age, in Warren County as well as the surrounding counties can still show off their best work of the year. What’s even better now is that you can win money ($) for winning prizes of 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in all categories!

Department H  Canned Foods – Adult

Department P:  Canned Foods – Youth

Classes are for SEALED canned entries only.
Two piece lids and regular canning jars are required (no mayo jars).
Rings will be removed for judging.
Entries will be judged on appearance, texture, & container.
Artificial coloring is prohibited.
Judges will only open canned goods if necessary to determine Best of Show.

Vegetables, Fruits, Meats

01.  Apple Butter
02.  Applesauce
03. Apples, Sliced
04. Beans, Green, Whole
05. Beans, Green, Cut
06. Beans, Yellow
07. Beans, Lima
08. Beet
09. Blackberries
10. Carrots
11. Cherries
12. Chili Sauce
13. Corn
14. Grape Juice
15. Peaches
16. Pears
17. Raspberries
18. Soup Mixture
19. Squash
20. Tomatoes, Cut
21. Tomatoes, Juice
22. Tomatoes, Whole
23. Canned Meat
24. Spaghetti Sauce
25. Pie Filling, Apple
26. Pie Filling, Cherry
27. Other Fruit
28. Other Vegetable


29. Blackberry
30. Cherry
31. Grape
32. Peach
33. Raspberry
34. Strawberry
35. Pear
36. Plum
37. Other


38. Apple
39. Blackberry
40. Cherry
41. Grape
42. Peach
43. Pepper
44. Raspberry, Black
45. Wine
46. Other


47. Apricot
48. Cherry
49. Peach
50. Pear
51. Plum
52. Strawberry
53. Tomato
54. Other


55. Honey - wildflower
56. Honey - clover
57. Honey


58.  Beet
59. Bread & Butter
60. Cucumber
61. Dill
62. Squash
63. Pickled Vegetable
64. Pickled Fruit
65. Other


66. Catsup
67. Chow Chow
68. Corn
69. Cucumber
70. Pepper
71. Salsa
72. Sauerkraut
73. Other

Departments H & P  Canned Foods-Adult & Youth Departments H & P Canned Foods-Adult & Youth